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Joint winner of the NORA Awards Best Online Recruitment by a Trade Publication 2013 Users: 1 million+ Products: Job adverts/Email marketing/Video jobs/Site banners/Print adverts/Editorial adverts Who are we? At DrapersJobs we have careers in fashion at the heart of what we do. DrapersJobs is the official job board for Drapers Magazine. This is the UK’s leading B2B online and print magazine geared for fashion and industry news. Founded on 6th August 1887, we have over 110 years’ experience and insight in the fashion industry, and can offer you unique opportunities to further your brand presence and drive your recruitment campaigns. Last year, we catered for over a million unique fashion-specific users, all looking for the best in fashion employment. This is a constantly growing number and is an excellent platform to find the right candidates for you. Why do jobseekers come to us first? As candidates are key to your campaign’s success, we have focused everything we do around two simple concepts – quality and convenience: Quality: our jobs are industry-specific and high quality. When jobseekers come to us they can choose from a wide variety of big name brands as well as independent labels, catering to every need. Convenience: we have made the candidate journey as straightforward and interactive as possible, so each jobseeker can find the right job for them. Our CV database has over 34,000 fashion professionals currently online, providing you with an ideal platform to find the right candidates and better the effectiveness of your recruitment drives. Why advertise with us? We focus on the same two principles for all the recruiters that come through our site. Beyond our expertise, we have the products and understanding to tailor each campaign to each and every employer’s needs: Jobseekers: with high quality roles, you will have access to the high quality candidates that they attract. Products: the combination of our range of online and offline products with our audience and readership will provide you with an effective and targeted campaign and will get your brand seen and your voice heard. Variety: we are part of the most comprehensive family of media brands in UK fashion and retail – Retail Week, Drapers, Retail Jeweller and Store Managers in Fashion. We are a significant part of the fashion and retail community and can therefore get your job in front of an unrivalled professional audience. Whether you are an international brand, looking for your next Head of Design, or a start-up looking to expand, we have the candidates and products for you. To find out what Drapers Jobs can do for your roles and your campaigns please contact a member of our recruitment specialists on 0203 033 4333 or e-mail: advertising@drapersjobs.com

Contact name: Julia Jones

Contact phone: 0203 033 2600

Contact email: advertising@drapersjobs.com

url: https://www.drapersjobs.com/

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