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Company is a UK based job board designed and marketed to attract candidates who are Security Cleared or who meet the Security Clearance criteria and are looking for Permanent and Contract opportunities across a wide range of industry sectors. We have an in-depth knowledge of the recruitment process gained by years of experience within the recruitment industry. We understand a candidate’s requirement in searching for their next job opportunity within this niche sector. We can assist employers and recruiters and reduce the time and cost involved in attracting the best individuals within a market place suffering from skills shortages. Security Clearance is not only required for military or government posts. Increasingly companies from all industry sectors including NuclearAerospaceConstructionOil and Gas,&nbsp FinanceIntelligence, and Security are competing to hire quality employees and consultants with Security Clearance. By advertising job requirements with us an employer can gain access to and attract candidates who are actively looking for their next Permanent or Contract assignment and who meet their recruitment criteria.

Contact name: Security Cleared Jobs

Contact phone: 0845 270 3003

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